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Successfully completed their Abseil Challenge at the weekend!

Massive Congratulations to brave sisters Aimee Tulloch and Kirsty Hicks who successfully completed their Abseil Challenge at the weekend!

The two sisters abseiled down the world’s tallest abseil tower (below).

Aimee said, “It was the scariest thing I’ve ever done”. And we can see why.

Fabulous effort ladies….with some wonderful fundraising too!

Aimee and Kirsty are raising funds for the Neonatal Unit, in memory of baby Eli Jacob Tulloch (son to Aimee and Michael and nephew to Kirsty)

The money raised is going to be used to develop a garden in the land adjacent to the Neonatal Unit. This new garden means families with babies being cared for on the unit can pop out for some air but still be close by to baby.


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